School visits and Study support

Once an ASD assessment has been completed or an ongoing therapy at the Centre is established, it may be possible for the psychologist to visit the school your child attends to assist staff there with ASD-specific problem-solving and advice. This can be discussed within the appointments. At the school the psychologist may:
Gather relevant information about the problem/s from school staff
Observe your child during structured and unstructured tasks
Provide information and advice where possible and appropriate
Discuss possible solutions to problems with school staff
Recommend strategies that may be implemented to assist
Contribute to the goals and strategies within the Individual Education Plan
Support for Study and Organisational skills
This service consists of helping students develop better planning, organisation and study skills and work on their behavioural and social development.
Advantages of study coaching for your child:
A study coach works with students in a student-oriented way to improve skills that are not subject specific but are related to a general success at school. This type of support is fully adapted to the individual needs of your child and the personal skills to be improved and practiced.
The benefits study coaching offers to your child:
plan and organize homework efficiently and independently;
acquiring and adapting the right tools to assist in processing and managing information;
better time-management skills;
effective study methods and improvement of study skills;
reduction of stress during tests and exams;
more positive work attitude and motivation;
stronger awareness of personal qualities and strengths;
better problem solving skills;
stimulation of independent thinking;
learning how to set and meet goals;
increase of confidence in existing and new situations;
improvement of focus and attention;
development of self-reflection skills and ownership of responsibility.
Acquiring, improving and adapting these skills often result in better academic achievements, an increase in confidence, and a general improvement of the social and emotional well-being of the child in class and at home.